Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Prank the boss! Giggle.

Hi Scott,

I hope your vacation is going well. I just wanted to let you know that I’m having trouble with my transcription software. I’m waiting to hear back from Chad about this and hopefully things will get fixed soon. Also, you might have heard about the big hail storm we had yesterday! Thundering and lighteninging and everything! I certainly hope the weather is beautiful where you are. Today, though, we woke up to four feet of snow! The city is practically shut down! Well, we went in to work anyway because we knew how important it was to keep the office open. Also, there were some electrical issues/fires in the Spokesman Review building next door and I guess they had to evacuate, but don’t worry, we remained here working away while you golf on your much needed and deserved vacation! We even have had the maintenance people telling us to leave the building because of this earthquake…actually that might have something to do with my computer problems (lol). Really though, don’t worry. We’ll stay until 5:00 p.m. Have a great vacation and we’ll see you when you get back (maybe)!

Happy April 1st!
