Why I Celebrate Easter
By Jessica Carson
If I were to reveal to you all the mistakes I've made in my life, all the bad choices, most of you would think, "Wow, how can she call herself a Christian?" And perhaps you have a point. I'm not necessarily following Christ when I make these choices. But when I figuratively stumble, or faceplant it, or "catch a digger," God is right there to figuratively pick me up and figuratively dust me off. Always! His mercy (not giving me the punishment I do deserve) and grace (giving me the reward (salvation) I don't deserve) is never ceasing. And it's all because of what Jesus did; the life he led, the death he died, and most importantly, the resurrection he...resurrectured. I realize a lot of you do not wish to believe the words I just typed, and that's a choice I must respect. My choice is life. Abundant life. God's life.
He is there to pick me up and dust me off. And He tells me exactly what I tell my children. "Do better next time."
I hope you have a wonderful Easter. I hope you get to spend time with family; color, hide, and find Easter eggs; and I hope that you would reflect on the life you lead. What changes can you make? What is a change you have made that you are proud of? What can you do better? And be sure that if ever it strikes your fancy to visit a church, I have a 7-passenger van. You can come with me.
Happy Easter!